
The Code of Conduct at The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College serves as a comprehensive guideline for maintaining discipline, ensuring decorum, and fostering a positive and productive academic environment. This code applies to students, faculty, and staff and outlines the expectations and responsibilities each group has within the college community. Adherence to this code is essential to uphold the college’s esteemed traditions and reputation for academic excellence and ethical standards.

I. Code of Conduct for Students

The students of The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College are expected to maintain high standards of discipline and behavior, both within and outside the campus. The following rules and regulations are set forth to guide student conduct:

1. Dress Code and Appearance

  • Every student is required to wear clean, decent, and appropriate clothing that reflects the decorum of the institution. Clothing that disrupts the academic environment or violates norms of decency is strictly prohibited.

2. Classroom Discipline

  • No student is permitted to leave the classroom without the explicit permission of the teacher or until the class has officially been dismissed.
  • Students must attend all classes punctually and regularly. Absenteeism without valid reasons will be viewed seriously and may lead to disciplinary action.
  • While in the classroom, students must maintain silence, pay attention to the teacher, and refrain from using mobile phones or other electronic gadgets unless explicitly required for academic purposes.

3. Use of Common Areas

  • Students who do not have scheduled classes at any particular time should utilize the reading room. Loitering in the verandahs or creating disturbances while other classes are in session is strictly prohibited.
  • Library Etiquette: Students must maintain silence in the library and treat books, computers, and other resources with care and respect.

4. Conduct in Laboratories

  • Students are forbidden from entering any laboratory without the prior permission of the teacher. They must follow safety rules and protocols while conducting experiments.
  • Misuse of laboratory equipment, substances, or technology is strictly forbidden and may result in suspension or other disciplinary measures.

5. Movement Between Classes

  • While moving from one classroom to another, students must maintain silence and avoid disturbing ongoing sessions. It is essential to uphold a sense of discipline and respect for those engaged in study and teaching.

6. Preservation of College Property

  • Furniture must not be dislocated or mishandled. Students are strictly forbidden from writing on or defacing the college buildings, walls, or furniture. Acts of vandalism are considered serious offenses and will be dealt with accordingly.

7. Examinations

  • Absence from examinations without valid and documented reasons will be treated as a serious breach of discipline.
  • During exams, students are expected to maintain complete academic integrity. Any form of malpractice, cheating, or dishonesty will result in strict disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal from the college.

8. General Behavior

  • Students must uphold the highest standards of decorum in all matters, whether explicitly stated in the code of conduct or not. Any improper behavior or misconduct inside the college premises will lead to disciplinary actions imposed by the Principal.
  • Students are encouraged to concentrate on studies and to uphold the glorious traditions of the college by adhering to values such as regularity, punctuality, respect for teachers, and positive engagement with the broader community.

9. Authority of the Principal

  • The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any student in the interest of maintaining discipline and upholding the values of the institution.
  • The Principal is also the disciplinary authority and has the right to suspend, dismiss, or take any other punitive action for cases of misconduct by any student.

10. Misconduct and Punitive Measures

  • The following actions are classified as misconduct and may lead to disciplinary action:
    • Absence from classes without a valid reason.
    • Disrespectful behavior towards teachers or staff.
    • Loitering in the verandahs during free periods and creating disturbances to classes in session.
    • Disorderly behavior in classrooms, corridors, or the campus.
    • Violation of college property, such as writing on walls or mishandling furniture.
    • Any form of academic dishonesty, such as cheating during examinations or plagiarism in academic work.

II. Code of Conduct for Faculty

The faculty at The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College plays a crucial role in shaping the intellectual and moral framework of students. Faculty members are expected to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and academic integrity.

1. Commitment to Academic Excellence

  • Faculty members must ensure that their teaching, research, and academic responsibilities are carried out with diligence and a commitment to excellence. Lesson plans and syllabi must be prepared in advance, and all classes must be conducted in an organized and timely manner.

2. Professional Ethics

  • Teachers should maintain professional boundaries with students and ensure that the student-teacher relationship is built on mutual respect, fairness, and intellectual integrity.
  • Faculty members must not engage in any form of discrimination, favoritism, or harassment. They are also expected to foster an environment of inclusivity and support for all students.

3. Attendance and Punctuality

  • Faculty must adhere to the college’s schedule and attend all classes punctually. Consistent attendance is essential for maintaining the continuity of learning and for being available to guide students through academic challenges.

4. Student Evaluation

  • Faculty members are expected to evaluate students fairly and impartially. Assignments, tests, and exams should be graded objectively, with transparent feedback provided to students to help them improve.

5. Engagement in Research and Development

  • Faculty members are encouraged to engage in research and participate in academic conferences, seminars, and workshops. Contributing to the college’s research output and enhancing the overall academic environment is an essential part of their role.

6. Mentorship and Guidance

  • Teachers are expected to act as mentors for students, providing guidance not only in academic matters but also in ethical and professional development. Faculty must be approachable and available to students who seek advice on academic or personal issues.

7. Maintenance of Professional Boundaries

  • Faculty members must maintain a professional relationship with students at all times. Personal relationships that may lead to favoritism or bias are strictly prohibited.

8. Contribution to Institutional Development

  • Faculty members must actively contribute to the college’s mission of fostering academic and moral excellence by participating in college activities, committees, and projects that align with the college’s goals.

III. Code of Conduct for Staff

The staff at The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of the institution. The following guidelines outline the expected conduct for non-teaching staff:

1. Professional Responsibility

  • Staff members must perform their duties with efficiency, honesty, and integrity. They are expected to be punctual, maintain regular attendance, and contribute to the smooth administration of the college.

2. Interaction with Students and Faculty

  • Staff members are required to maintain respectful and professional communication with both students and faculty. Any issues or grievances should be addressed in a constructive and timely manner.

3. Confidentiality

  • Non-teaching staff members must respect the confidentiality of college records and sensitive information. They are prohibited from disclosing personal, academic, or institutional information without authorization.

4. Support for College Activities

  • The staff must assist in the organization and execution of college events, including seminars, workshops, and extracurricular activities. Their cooperation is essential for the seamless functioning of such programs.

5. Preservation of College Property

  • Non-teaching staff members must ensure that college property, including office equipment, facilities, and documents, is well-maintained. Misuse or negligence in handling institutional resources is strictly prohibited.

6. Compliance with College Policies

  • Staff members are expected to comply with all college policies, including those related to safety, workplace behavior, and ethics. Failure to adhere to these policies may result in disciplinary action.

The Code of Conduct at The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College is a crucial element in maintaining an environment of mutual respect, academic excellence, and ethical behavior. Every member of the college community—students, faculty, and staff—is expected to adhere to these guidelines, thereby contributing to a culture of discipline and integrity. The rules set forth in this document ensure that The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College continues to be a place where academic, personal, and professional growth flourishes in an atmosphere of mutual respect and responsibility.